RNC terror mouthpiece Himbara shoots himself in the foot on Rwanda’s employment status

David Murunganwa aka Himbara has established himself as a master of flip-flopping. Sometime back, he used to castigate the Rwandan government over what he exacerbated as “unpreceded levels of unemployment in Rwanda”; but today the same inebriated bodach argues that 90% of Rwandans are employed in informal employment which categorically contracts his earlier submission that Rwandans were jobless. Is this fellow sober?

Murunganwa who’s financed by wanted smuggling kingpin- Tribert Ayabatwa Rujugiro to slander President Kagame’s leadership, rides on concocted figures from his deluded mind to shape some sort of narrative. His narrative aims at portraying Rwanda as a struggling economy despite huge milestones registered by the country in terms of economic growth.

According to statistics released by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (the same institution that Himbara misquotes); the national economy grew by 8.2% from the previous year with a current market value calculated at US$ 12,681,551,309 (Rwf13,716 billion) up from US$ 10,121,462,424 (Rwf10,930 billion) in the FY2021. But the shameless RNC terror publicist still gets guts to idiotically argue that Rwandan economy is struggling.

In regard to Murunganwa’s argument that a big number of Rwandans are employed in the informal sector; we all know agriculture is a driving force of economic growth globally but is also categorized under informal sector; why would anyone make that an issue. In Rwanda, the agriculture sector contributes to over 30% of the economy, it’s where we find cash crops such as coffee and tea being top foreign exchange earners (reading from increased exports by 40%); this simply translates into hundreds of thousands of jobs in the same sector.

When you study the characteristics of the fast-developing economies globally, you will observe that one of the indicators is the increase of employment-to-population ration which means that the country is able to effectively provide jobs to the working-age population. For Rwanda’s case, the employment-to-population ration has been increasing owing to establishment of mega infrastructure projects that have created thousands of jobs. The RNC vuvuzela Himbara will omit such facts to appease his sponsors, thus laugh all the way to the bank.

The RNC dimwitted wants to ridicule Rwanda for having a big proportion of employment in the agriculture sector; he omits that a giant economy like United States produces over $300 billion in agricultural commodities per year; this alone vindicates Rwanda government’s choice to prioritize agriculture and added-value initiatives on agricultural commodities.

Himbara will rant but, his, is nothing short of incoherent utterances peddled as a means to eke out a living as life gets even tougher in his hideout in Ottawa. Regardless, Rwanda moves forward.

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